As a Colorado Springs Newborn Photographer I’m always in awe of the strength of mothers and feel an immediate connection with them since I too experienced birth and those long days with a newborn. But when you also go through something your clients have experienced you can’t help but realize your connection is even stronger. Besides our husbands being on the same crew together for a dangerous mission, Kelsey had a home birth with the same midwives who delivered Evelyn! After a less than ideal birth with her first at a hospital she knew she wanted a peaceful at home birth. And from what she told me it was every part redemptive and glorious.

What an honor it was to photograph them all in the same comfortable space they welcomed Christian into. Little man was awake for most of the session so we got to see his handsome, curious stare. It’s a secret goal of mine each newborn session to get your baby yawning… Christian understood the assignment. And to top it the weather was mild enough in late September to take some photos outside in their large backyard.

Colorado Lifestyle Photographer
Colorado Springs Family Photography
In-home lifestyle newborn
baby lips
Colorado Springs Family Photographer
Denver Lifestyle Newborn Photographer
Castle Rock Family Photographer


Kelcie's Home Birth Story

Welcome Baby Niki

Sweet Baby Adelaide

Welcome! I’m so honored you are here checking out my blog. I wanted to tell you a little more about me; I am a family lifestyle photographer and a Mama of two. If you would like to learn a little more about me click here. I serve clients in Colorado Springs and Denver.

If you love these photos, and you are looking for a milestone, family, maternity, or newborn photographer in Colorado Springs and Denver I would love to learn more about you, your family, and the season of life you are in. I’m currently booking all of 2024 and early 2025 for my Bump-Baby clients. Fill out the contact form here and we will be in touch!

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Welcome Baby Niki

Though I have relocated as a STL Newborn Photographer I have so many beautiful families to share from our time in New Jersey. And this session is definitely in my top 3 of 2021 and I have A LOT to share still.

Jordan and Margarita welcomed baby Niki and it was a pleasure to photograph them. I met Margarita, a powerhouse lawyer, through our squadron spouse group. But because of the Covid pandemic and social distancing we only got to gather a few times at socials and squadron functions so when she contacted me to photograph their family growing I was elated. You will see that Margarita’s parents, sister and grandmother were visiting during her session and I will always take photos with grandparents and family members. One is especially special with four generations present.

There really is nothing better for a photographer than photographing friends! I truly believe it is a honor to be trusted to photograph people you know.

Especially as you are so vulnerable in sleep deprivation and healing in those first few weeks of motherhood.

Your house is a mess. There are bottles or nursing gear everywhere.

You are slower and healing through the pain.

What an honor to be invited into your space. My heart explodes because of the trust you put in me.

With that said, THANK YOU Margarita, Jordan and Niki for allowing me to capture your love for each other.

If you enjoyed this newborn session you may also like:

Welcome baby Adelaide

Whitley Turns One

Welcome baby Noah

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Elijah Clark's Story + Newborn Photos

I have always loved reading birth stories. They are all full of power, grace and surrender. Being moved by reading another women's birth story made me so excited to experience birth on my own. It has been Four years since and I've had this written in my drafts since Elijah was 4 months old but now seems like a good time to share our birth story.

Of course I had a "plan". Everyone has a plan, don't they?

Labor would start naturally. I would have BB at home and unmedicated. I would have a water birth. Some of these things happened, and some of them didn't.

Here is our story…

New Jersey Newborn Photographer

John 6:21 | When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.

Rewind all the way back to before Christmas 2018. My husband wasn't yet home for Christmas from training in Oklahoma and I had a contraction scare in mid-December. Called the midwife told me to take a warm bath and chug a liter of water. If that didn't stop them to let her know. I did that, prayed so hard and thankfully they stopped after an hour of doing that. After that I thought, okay surely this baby will be here any day... before the due date even!

Thankfully, Brenton came home from training on January 9, 2019. He did have to leave before finishing but he wouldn't officially have been done until the week of my due date. We weren't willing to risk it. But then January 18, 2019, BB's due date, came and went. (The due date was very accurate because we had an IUI and therefore knew the date of conception)

For weeks leading up to my due date I felt so much pelvic pressure on walks and ball bouncing and had bouts of stronger than Braxton Hicks contractions that I thought multiple times "today is the day!" Psych!

We went to my 41 week appointment and Liz my midwife asked if I wanted to be checked. I was pretty against being checked in the weeks prior because I didn't want to risk an infection or have the number mess with my head. And I'm grateful I had no idea up until this day. I said sure and we discovered I was already 3cm dilated and the babe was certainly low. Liz stripped my membranes to hopefully speed things up. So we went home and waited for things to start to happen.

Thursday night came and went with nothing.

Friday night came and went with nothing.

We woke up Saturday morning (9 days past my due date) confused and discouraged. No contractions, no bloody show, no water leaking, no anything. We have done everything known to man to try to induce labor naturally.

I texted Liz and told her I would like try Castor oil to induce the labor. Prior to actually being so late I was very against trying this approach. I so badly wanted to go into labor without any help. I was so torn about trying the castor oil. It will only work if your body is ready, so what if I wasn't ready? What if it makes me sick, since it’s a laxative? What if it doesn't work? So much apprehension ran through my head.

But at the end of the day, a healthy, home birth is what I desired and I was creeping a little too close for comfort to 42 weeks of a medically induced hospital birth. And so with the peace of God about the situation we made a creamsicle like shake with the first dose of the castor oil and I drank it up at 1130 am.

Contractions started to happen a little more frequently but they were no more intense than Braxton Hicks. By 2:30pm the contractions waned and I was getting discouraged again. Liz instructed me to take the second dose 4 hours after the first dose, as thats the one that makes the contractions stick.

New Jersey Newborn Photographe

And so at 3:30pm I took the second dose.

We went for a walk immediately after. I had to stop a few times on the walk to focus through a contraction. But they weren't that close together yet. On a 20 minute walk I had to stop about 3 times. Upon getting back home I went to lay down to hopefully catch some much needed z's. But no, I only laid there because the contractions were a bit more intense than a BH.

I emerged from our bedroom around 6pm and I waddled over to the yoga ball and bounced comfortably for a few while counting contractions. They were definitely more frequent and I could not talk through comfortably them at this point.

Brenton made some pasta and meatballs and put it in front of me around 7pm. I took two bites and pushed it away. I couldn't even eat or stand the sight of food, the contractions were 2-4 minutes apart and really starting to hurt. I texted Liz at 7:40pm, here is my exact text...

"I have no idea when you should come over but these really hurt! I'd hate to bring you here prematurely. What do you think?"

haha who says that to their midwife when contractions are like 3 minutes apart and are already known to be 3cm!

She replied, "I'll head over soon. I mean we know you were already 3 in the office so it's not like you’re going backwards."

And thank goodness I did text her because not more than 5 minutes after that exchange I pushed the yoga ball across the floor and got on my hands and knees. I had the sudden urge to vomit so I had Brenton bring me a trash can. And so I rocked and labored on the floor like that for 30 minutes or so. Never threw up but felt soooo close!

I continued to labor standing up hunched over the ball that rested on the couch. I told Brenton to start setting up the pool. And poor guy he was busy doing that while I focused through the intensity of transition and I constantly asked him if it was ready.

It was around 8:30pm and the midwife still hadn't shown up yet and I had a contraction that was so intense that I audibly said, "I can't do this!" I think there is a point in labor where every woman either has that thought or actually says it out loud. But then Jesus took my face in his hands and said "Yes you can. I'm right here with you. Breath."

I was weak and helpless and yet I could feel his strength and tenderness in my pain.

Oh the relief I felt knowing that I could only do this because Jesus was right there with me. Palms up in complete surrender, I focused on the words of my worship birth playlist and swayed back and forth for a few more breaths.

Then I told Brenton I felt like I had to push. It was a mild pushing sensation not too intense but definitely different than the last few hours of labor.

New Jersey Newborn Photographer

A few minutes later, in walks our midwife Liz. Oh the relief I felt, but I'm sure Brenton felt it more!!

According to Liz I was 10cm dilated by the time she arrived and she quickly put absorbent pads underneath me. And thank goodness she did because no more than 5 minutes later my water broke! That was something that definitely didn't cross our minds to do.

And so being 10 cm dilated at 8:45pm and already pushing I could get in the pool if I wanted to. Well, funny story about that. It was full of water but the water was ice cold! Our poor water heater couldn't keep up with it. A water birth was not an option anymore for me since they thought it could happen anytime. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset for a breath but really I was pretty okay with it. I didn't have the energy to concentrate on anything other than breathing through these contractions and trying to push my baby out.

At around 10pm we moved to our bedroom and I pushed between the toilet and the bed for what seemed like forever. Liz and her assistant checked BB's heart rate every 15 minutes and it was at a steady 120bpm.

The pushing phase decided to take its time. I pushed on my knees, on my back, on my side, on the toilet. All the positions to move BB down and out. It took me quite sometime to understand what a productive push felt like. But once I did I channeled in on that feeling to try to make every push feel like that. I felt each push bringing me closer to meeting our baby.

There was a lot of talk when I would push my baby out... would it be January 26th or January 27th? I, of course, had no concept of time at all. I was taking it one contraction and push at a time.

At one point Liz told me I could feel my baby's head if I like... it actually took me a long time to reach down and touch BB's head. I just didn't want to get discouraged with all the pushing I've done and only feeling a little bit of the head. Well I reached down and felt a full head of hair! That was all the motivation I needed. I bared down and pushed through the pain with one goal in mind. I was going to meet my baby any minute! The baby I have been praying and waiting for for years!

I pushed for a little over 3 hours before I felt baby crowning... I knew it was called the "ring of fire" but y'all it burned something fierce and I wanted it to stop! And I thanked God hard that it only lasted a couple contractions.

I triumphantly pushed our baby's head out only to hear wailing!! The rest of his body was still inside, I haven't fully delivered him and he was screaming his head off! The most amazing sound I ever heard. And so with one more push our precious baby was born and the relief was instant.

"I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did that."

I must have whispered that five times before I heard, "Reach down and grab your baby boy."

My baby boy! I pulled him up to my chest, kissed his head and looked at Brenton with wide eyes.

Our baby boy, Elijah Clark Batzer born January 27th at 12:28am. It was him all along! The secret between Elijah and God was out in the open. Our hearts could not contain the joy and the surprise.

He latched on to nurse within minutes of being born! Delivering the placenta was a breeze with a shot of pitocin, a few more crampy contractions, and a couple face grimaces later.

Unfortunately I needed stitches. Little man was born with his left hand by his face and the cord wrapped around his neck twice, he did a nice summersault through it on his way out. But I was holding my boy and thats all that mattered. Liz said that if he didn't have his hand up or the cord around his neck he probably would have came out a whole lot sooner. But the Lord’s hand is on every little detail and though because of this recovery was harder than I wanted, four years past I can honestly say it was all for His glory because its part of my motherhood journey.

In home newborn session
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Princeton Newborn Photographer | NJ Family Photographer

It’s always a treat when newborns are asleep and content for the entirety of our session. Photographing this sweet girl, Adelaide, and her first time parents was such a gift to me. My husband deployed with Fernando a few years ago so this family is precious to us and I was so honored to be their newborn photographer.

We spent a wonderful morning together capturing the details of their first weeks as a family of three: All the sweet smiles, kisses, and snuggles! I love lifestyle newborn sessions because most of the final images are unposed and natural; a great reminder in years to come of how things were and how tiny your babies used to be.

I arrived just after a feeding and Adelaide was peacefully sleeping the morning away. Their master bedroom and her beautifully themed bunny nursery were the perfect backdrop for this cozy in-home New Jersey newborn photography session.

To Fernando, Haley and Adelaide. Thank you for inviting me into your home during your precious beginnings of a family of three. I’m thrilled to share these photos of you! Enjoy.

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Planning Your Photos with the Uncertainty of COVID-19 (UPDATED DEC. 2020)

Princeton Photographer

Outdoor photography is currently permitted as long as we maintain social distancing measures.

New Jersey Family Photographer

I use a relatively long portrait lens, so I’ll still be able to keep a safe distance while capturing portraits, and I will be wearing a mask to sessions in the near term.

All sessions are subject to postponement if the laws change.

Please check my availability for outdoor Sessions here.

Newborn Sessions

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Let me just say I miss your squishy newborn faces and treating my clients to a dinner.

Newborn sessions are typically very hands on, so these sessions will have to be adapted to be extra cautious for the health of babies. Newborn lifestyle sessions will still be in-home for the time being. I will be even more directive and ask permission to approach your family prior to capturing an image. During the session, I will focus on photos of you holding your little one and I will be wearing a mask. Thank you for inviting me into your home. I truly miss it!

Please check my availability for indoor Sessions here.


If you are in this position, I am so so sorry! I know many couples who have been affected in 2020.

Princeton Wedding Photographer

You can read the official New Jersey Guidelines here. Photographers face potential fines for photographing events that break these rules.

Based on these guidelines, most couples are now opting to change their weddings to small ceremony only events with postponed receptions or to postpone completely. I do not recommend hosting a large event involving alcohol – there seems to be a direct correlation between alcohol and difficulties maintaining social distancing.

Outdoor events are now allowed for groups of 100 or less, but please know that government guidelines limit close group photos of people who do not live together, since these groups need to maintain a distance of six feet to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Read the CDCs guidelines for events and gatherings.

While we don’t know what 2021 holds here are my 2021 dates that are no longer available:

May 15, 2021

May 28, 2021

May 29, 2021

September 4, 2021

September 5, 2021

I miss my clients dearly and cannot wait to start capturing your life for you again! Sending lots of love! Stay healthy friends.

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new jersey newborn photographer | lifestyle newborn photography

To be completely honest newborn photography wasn’t really my thing… I never advertised I did it. I felt uneasy, nervous and frankly scared around newborns and new moms. I felt like I was invited into this sacred space where I didn’t quite belong. In the waiting it was hard to be around something I wanted so desperately. I know my newborn clients had no intention of making me feel uncomfortable and I hope I never gave off the vibe that I was because it was truly a joy to capture their first moments as a new family together. And I did love getting a fix of that sweet newborn smell! But that was the old Melissa….

When a fellow Air Force family contacted me about capturing their first moments as a new family of three I did not have those same feelings! I realized that after experiencing my own newborn there was absolutely NOTHING to be nervous about… they aren’t as unpredictable (or fragile) as I use to think! I jumped on the chance to photograph this very short moment in time for them.

When I got the message that Hannah was in labor I couldn’t wait to hear the news, ask how mom was and schedule the shoot. Now my very first thought isn’t “Awwwww, free baby smells!!!!!”, now it’s “Gotta find out how mom is doing!” Postpartum recovery is NO JOKE people! I feel like I was extremely insensitive to my moms previous because I just didn’t know! So if you are a newborn photographer ask how mom is, move slow during the session and bring them a meal when you show up.

I had a blast during Eli’s newborn session!

  1. It felt amazing to get behind the camera again with clients in front.

  2. Hannah and Joel were game for anything and hosted me in their home for nearly two hours because I just couldn’t stop myself!

I am so grateful to the Woods for asking me to capture this once in a lifetime memory. Enjoy all the newborn snuggles even though you may feel like you’re going to pass out in your coffee…. oh and don’t forget to brush your teeth!!!!

New Jersey Newborn Photographer
Lifestyle Newborn Photography
Winnie the Pooh Nursery
Lifestyle Newborn Session
Mama and Baby Poses
Mama and Baby Poses
Daddy and Baby Poses
Newborn Photos
New Jersey Newborn Photographer
Military Newborn Photo
Lifestyle Newborn Photos
New Jersey Newborn Photos
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In the past 4 months I cannot believe I have been blessed to photograph five beautiful newborns!!  I don't advertise that I take newborn photos but when I have friends who specifically ask me to capture this new chapter of their family's life I jump on it.  It is such an honor to be part of their growing family.  It is so special to know that the moments that I capture are the photos that will be on their walls and in their albums forever!  

Now, please join me in welcoming Mr. Ryland Graham into the Vandament family!!! This little guy has been prayed for and fought for by mommy and daddy and their whole tribe.  Catherine, Ross and Camille live down the street from me... like I can literally see their front stoop from my front stoop and I have known them for about 2 years now.  Cat is also my trusty Noonday Ambassador! Never heard of Noonday Collection?  Please do yourself a favor and check them our now!!

So as it goes, we have had many conversations about struggling to grow our families while journeying through infertility.  Cat & Ross walked through 8 rounds of IVF to have their beautiful daughter.  And so when they moved to Spokane with their 4 year old and years on struggling underneath their belts they prayed about growing their family and ultimately heard God call them to pursue adoption.  

And with a spirit of obedience that's exactly what they did.  They decided to pursue a local adoption and were matched after a long time waiting! Little Ryland was born March 7th and came home on March 18th.  That little boy is so loved beyond measure by everyone who knows Cat and Ross's long way to get to him.  And most importantly deeply and truly loved by the One who created him.  The One who had Cat and Ross picked out to be his mama and papa since the beginning of time.

And to top it all off, he was a dream for our session!! Ryland was only awake for a teeny bit of the session to photograph his handsome eyes and then slept like a champ the rest of the session. Thank you Cat, Ross, Camille and Ryland for choosing me to capture this amazing new season of growing your family.  I had such a wonderful day with you.  Enjoy this peek into our session together! 

I will not leave you as orphans.  I will come to you
— John 14:18
Philly Newborn Photographer
Philly Family Photographer
Philly Newborn Photographer Newborn Lifestyle
Philly Family Photographer
Philly Family Photographer
Philly Newborn Photographer
Philly Family Photographer
Philly Newborn Photographer Lifestyle newborn
Philly Family Photographer

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Welcome Baby Noah

Claire's Birth Story

Baby Grayson's Welcome

Ainsley's Debut

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Will you all join me in welcoming little Noah to the world! Hello there handsome little guy.  

I can't believe you came into the world on your actual due date! I was the lucky one to watch Felicia and Kyle's older, Charlotte, during Noah's birth.  So when Felicia texted me to tell me she was starting to have more intense contractions I replied "You're due date dreams might actually come true!" I told me mom he was born on his due date, March 11, and she was like "That never happens!!"  True, I definitely don't know many babies born on their due date.  

I am so grateful to friends who choose me to take their photos of incredibly important life events.  It's an honor to capture them, knowing these pictures will be in their homes forever.  Noah will one day show at these newborn pictures to his grandkids or compare them with his wife's baby picture to see who their baby looks more like.  <--- my plug to always print your photos (as well as back them up). 

Noah was a little prince through the entire session.  Awake, yes but never really made a peep except when he was hungry!  I think my babies who are awake during sessions have a bad case of FOMO (fear of missing out). It's an exciting time to be alive where photographers come in your home and move stuff around and stick a machine in your face.  And frankly I don't blame them!

Thank you Kyle, Felicia, Charolette and noah for choosing me for this session.  I had such a wonderful morning with you.  I hope you love this peek into our session together! 

Philly Family Photographer
Philly Family Photographer
Philly Family Photographer
Philly Family Photographer
Philly Family Photographer
Philly Family PhotographeR
Philadelphia Family Photographer
Philadelphia Family Photographer
Philly Family Photographer
Philly Family Photographer

Did you enjoy this session?  You might also like these:

Claire's Birth Story

Baby Grayson's Welcome

Ainsley's Debut

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This might very well be my favorite post ever.  It was most certainly my favorite session.  One that will be so dear to my heart forever. Here's my side of the story... 

My best friend Kelcie's second baby's due date was mid January.  They had no idea the gender of the babe, as was the same with their first kiddo and Josh and Kelcie decided on another home birth.  And so it was home birth number two in their cute little craftsman on the South Hill of Spokane.  Kelcie had intended on a birth photographer to be present for capturing the moment and I was going to be there to take care of Landon.  You know, military families don't always have family close so we become each other's family.  So I was totally ready to be on call for watching Landon and supporting my friend.  But then Kelcie's original planned photographer had dates where should would be out of town.  Kelcie then asked if I would be willing to fill in incase baby #2 came earlier than anticipated.  I of course said yes!!  Although, a bit unsure of how I would be able to document a birth and watch a 20 month old I was still excited at the opportunity if it came.  

Fast foward a couple weeks and Kelcie's labor started.  Contractions started to get closer and more intense.  And so I was put on alert.  It was a Friday and so Josh's parents drove in from the west side of the state, which is no small feat in the winter while driving over Snoqualmnie Pass! God made a clear pass for them to come and they arrive the evening of the 5th.  And so if baby decided to come that weekend I was free from Landon duty.  It was just a big waiting game then.  Kelcie kept me updated all weekend and told me she would call me after the midwife was called to come over.  And so in the middle of church Sunday morning I got a phone call from Kelcie saying it was go time! The midwife was on the way.  

Kelcie thought this birth would be similar to her first and so she told me not to rush over.  But you bet I did rush right over.  Once I heard my best friend experience a contraction over the phone I wanted to be by her side (and where the action was).  I showed up after church with my go-bag (yes I had an overnight bag packed and with me all weekend, now I know how our military peeps feel!). Josh's parents were in the kitchen making brunch and the midwife was doing her thing! The boys were blowing up the birthing pool in the living room and Kelcie was sitting on her birthing ball eating a breakfast burrito like no big deal.  So chill.  This was my first experience with a home birth and I must say walking into the scene it was very relaxed.  I would explain homebirth in one word, PATIENCE. There was no rushing, just paying attention to how her body was progressing naturally.  It was beautiful.

The midwife had to break Kelcie's water because she probably could have labored forever without it being broken (same thing happened with Landon).  Once that happened things got rocking and rolling.  Contractions intensified tenfold and Kelcie relocated to the pool.  While sweet Landon went down for his nap Kelcie labored in the pool.  And less than an hour after her water broke with 4 big pushes their beautiful daughter Claire was caught by her doting daddy at 12:24pm on January 7th, 2018.  

It seemed like time stood still as I tried to keep it together while capturing the first moments of Claire's life.  To say that was difficult is an understatement. It was the first birth I have ever experienced.  I wanted to get on my knees and sob so hard in gratitude for this little life and the path God will have for her on.  I wanted to cry in relief for my best friend because she just gave birth naturally.  And cry and pray I did.  It was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed and I was able to experience that with my best friend.

With all that said, my best friend is a beast birther (just like every mama but she's my favorite! Hope you'll understand)!!! I am so proud of her for her determination and focus to have an unmedicated home birth.  I love you Kelcie, Josh, Landon & Claire and thank you for allowing me into this moment and trusting me with this task.  And happy 2 month birthday little baby Claire! Your Auntie Meli loves you so much and I am so overwhelmed that I was blessed enough to be present for your birth.  I can't wait to tell you my side of the story when you are much older. Love love love you!!!! And I need more Claire snuggles asap. <3 

Home Birth Photographer
Spokane Family Photographer
Spokane Birth Photographer
Home Birth
Spokane Family Photographer
Spokane Home Birth
Home Birth with Toddler
Spokane Birth Photography
Home Birth Story
Home Birth Baby Girl
Washington Birth Photographer
Home Birth Photography
birthing pool home birth
In-home birth photography
Spokane Newborn Photography
Spokane Family Photographer
Spokane Family Photographer
Newborn Photography
Home Birth Midwife



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spokane family photographer | spokane newborn photography 

Oh this session was so special for me to photograph!  These are friends from college who are stationed in Spokane with us.  If you don't remember Lauren and Jeremy let me remind you of our Love Story Session we had last January.  

Lauren and Jeremy welcomed their first child, a son, named Grayson into the world on January 2nd! He is a treasure and I love watching our friends become doting parents.  I don't typically do newborn session but this is more of a in-home lifestyle approach so I was on board and eager to get it going!  The weather is obviously not so nice for outdoor newborn sessions so we got all cozy in their home.  I love in-home sessions and am definitely loving playing with the light sources.  

Grayson was a the real MVP.  He slept nearly the entire session (a first for me! Seriously, I always get awake babies... I thought they were suppose to sleep all the time!?!?!) so there are so many photos of his sweet squishy face.  I could barely contain myself from squealing when he pushed his hands out of the swaddle and made the most beautifully perfect pouty lip face!  My heart still melts when I look at that photo.  Lauren and I were saying that he looks like how Jeremy would look as an infant.  Like spitting image... all Jeremy! 

Congratulations our dear friends! Grayson is absolutely perfect! And thank you for allowing me into your lives to capture these precious memories for you, Buyer family!  These are some of my favorite images I have ever taken.  I get get chills seeing photos of women becoming mothers and embracing all the changes that come with it... Lauren you are radiant and I'm just so happy for you and Jeremy. 

A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men. | Martin Fraquhar Tupper
Spokane Family Photographer
Spokane Family Photographer
Spokane Family Photographer
Spokane Family Photographer
Newborn Lifestyle Session
Spokane Family Photographer
Spokane Family Photographer
Lifestyle Newborn Session
Spokane Family Photographer
In-home Lifestyle Newborn Session
Spokane Newborn Lifestyle Session
In-home Newborn Lifestyle Session

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spokane family photography  |  newborn photography

I kind of couldn't believe it when I returned the home of one of my first clients to photograph their second baby! It was nearly two years ago I walked through those doors nervous and excited to photograph their first daughter, Maddie, on my second newborn session ever! Now I've done plenty and was so excited to get my camera focused on (and baby snuggles in) on Courtney and Kyle's second daughter, Anna.  

Another Christmas baby! I have always loved Christmas and the thought of having a December baby with all the snuggles around the Christmas tree makes want to have a baby in December!   Until then I get to snuggle other people's babies around their Christmas trees while capturing this precious moment in their family..  

Thank you Courtney, Kyle, Maddie and Anna for choosing me for this session.  I had such a wonderful morning with you.  I hope you love this peek into our session! 

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newborn photography | in home session | spokane, wa 

I always feel so incredibly honored to take photos for clients but even more so for huge life changing moments like a wedding or welcoming a new family member in!  So when Danielle contacted me on Instagram to ask me to do just that with their youngest and first girl I was so excited! I don't normally photograph newborns but something told me I wanted to take this session!  

And boy, am I ever glad I did! Little Ainsley was the best newborn and her older brothers were loving the camera.  Even though Ainsley was awake the entire time she just starred at everything that was going on around her. No crying and only making the sweetest faces.  My newborns are always awake for some reason so I tend to gravitate towards more of a lifestyle documentary session.  Which is real life and don't you want real life documented?

I don't pose your baby or you.  It's about what feels natural and candid.  Because when you feel comfortable then you will look comfortable in photos.  I know you're probably not a contortionist. I'm all about the cozy and the minimal.  Using what is available in your home like a solid colored blanket and a swaddled baby.  

Simple.  Classic. Timeless.

Thank you Danielle, Ryan, Harrison, Grayson & Ainsley for choosing me for this session.  I had such a wonderful morning with you.  I hope you love this sneak peek! 

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Christmas Baby
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Newborn photography
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newborn photography tips

I absolutely adore babies.  How can you not? They are so new to this world with every possibility in front of them... not to mention their skin has been practically untouched!  But photographing a newborn session challenges me in all the good ways.  Each baby is different, you can't really tell it what to do.  They follow their own schedule in the most beautiful way.  It is such an honor to be invited into the first few days of their new life.  There is some planning and prep that goes into our time together to make it go as smoothly as possible.  So remember the next 8 tips and I promise you will rock it!

Let's pencil you in

I definitely understand these babies arrive on their own time but I highly recommend that you book your session prior to baby's arrival so I can make sure there are no conflicts.  Contact me during your second or early third trimester and I'll pencil you in based on your due date.  Of course I know that things can change, babies come early or they come late. Shoot me an email or a text soon after your sweet babe is born and we can schedule a time.  Oh, and I feel super duper special when the dad puts me on the "baby is here" text list.  Just saying! wink wink.

Like 'Em Young

Newborn sessions MUST be scheduled within the first 10 days of life.  However, the most ideal time for newborn photos is between 3-7 days after their arrival.  I'll be moving them around, putting them in scrunched up sweet sleepy baby positions, so we want to make sure they are very sleepy.  After day 10 it is nearly impossible to get them into the sweet deep sleep spot that came so naturally just days after the womb.  It is highly unlikely at 10 days that I will be able to get them into any squishy newborn pose, they will probably fight me hard and then their faces will get red because they are mad I tried to make them do something they don't want to do. Also keep in mind that newborn acne and colic tends to flare up closer to 10-14 days.  I have no problem editing it but I would prefer to not retouch that sweet brand new skin if possible.

So, with that all said, the newer the baby the better!

Baby Clothes

My most favorite baby photos are when they are swaddles with a hand poking out squishing their cheekies.  It's is just the sweetest pose ever! So have your favorite light colored swaddles ready if you want those light and airy photos.  I do not take naked baby photos, its just not my style.  I much rather prefer real life, natural and candid photos, especially for newborns.  PS-all those shots where baby is propped up on his fist are photoshopped and personally I think they are dangerous.  And endangering a life is not something I will do for the shot.  

If you have multiple outfits you would like baby in I would recommend clothing that we do not have put over the head, seeing that really disturbs the baby and we could be interrupting some serious sleep.  And we definitely want baby sleeping for most of these photos! So snaps, or magnetic onesies (Yes they exist! You should buy them for those late night diaper changes... add them to your registry now!)

Crank up that heat

Babies like it hot.... think hot yoga studio hot.  Okay maybe not that hot, but definitely around 80 degrees.  So you are going to want to keep your home a little warmer than usual during the session.  Hot = happy sleeping baby.



Y'all, I promise this is not what first popped into your brain...

S=Sleepy + M=Milk.  These two things are key for day of, moments before my arrival to your session.

Most of your baby's photos will be taken while they are in a deep sleep.  To encourage this, we recommend that you do what ever it takes to make your baby nice and tired.  I know this may seem like a lot to ask of since y'all are experiencing a tired you may have never experienced before, but I assure you that this will how we want your newest addition during the session.

As for that milk milk milk, a well fed baby is a happy baby!  Please feed and burp your baby before I arrive.  This will make baby (and photographer) very happy, milk drunk and ready to go night night. I also will be happy to take as many breaks as needed to refuel baby.  Some of the sweetest photos I've taken have been while breastfeeding or dad feeding baby from the bottle.  <--- those don't get shared publicly unless you give me permission.


Love That Light

I would love if if you would please open all the blinds and curtains prior to my arrival to your home.  If you do this before I arrive I am able to easily find the best place for me to set up my at your home studio.  Nothing is more flattering to the skin as natural light.  And because natural light is the best light, I don't have any external light sources.  Because of this, I recommend scheduling your time mid-morning or late-afternoon when window light is the best.

I will do a walk through of your home to discover the best spot.  Sometimes it happens in the middle of the living room, dining room or even kitchen, usually where there is a large window with indirect sunlight. I do have a reflector I will bring to balance the shadows.


Dress like yourself

This sections is for both the men and the ladies  (siblings, included).

As far as clothing? Keep it simple and comfortable. Skip the busy patterns and go for a light colored shirt.  Neutrals look great on ever skin tone and keep with the light and airy photos you want.  Please don’t feel the need to match everyone in white shirts and jeans – there’s simple…and then there’s boring!  A simple cotton knit cami or top would work well or you can ever go with long sleeves.  Those are always flattering.  I suggest you NOT wear button down shorts, and make sure your t-shirts are free of logos or too much writing. Please iron your clothes before the session, wrinkles are very pronounced in photos.

I love skin-on-skin portraits with you holding your baby against you, both for moms and dads. They’re so simple, timeless + sweet!  Feeding two birds with one scone, you get bonding time with baby while taking photos!  So if you want some portraits like this with your newborn, consider a strapless top or tank as an alternative under your long sleeve or t-shirt. But there is also time for wardrobe changes since we'll be at your home.  If you do have multiple outfits you would like to wear please have them laid out and ready for smooth transitions.

Your hands, and possibly even your feet, will play a major role in this session, so please tend to them with care!
Even if you aren’t planning on participating much in the session, you’ll still be handling your baby a bit, so it’s a good idea to touch up on your grooming. Trim and tidy your nails and apply lotion to any dry skin.


Make the bed

Is there anything more simple + gorgeous than a new family cuddled up in bed together? Nope, nothing.
If the lighting is good I might suggest that we move the session to your bedroom at some point. If that’s something that appeals to you, a few tips:

  • Make the bed, just this once.

  • Choose a solid light colored blanket or comforter. We highly recommend white to light cream bedding to keep things light and airy, plus white is a natural reflector.

If you need me to bring along a blanket to spread over the bed if you don't have a less busy or light colored blanket let me know! I would be more than happy to bring one.  :)



I schedule my newborn sessions for 2 hours.  That may seem like either a long time or not enough time but I assure you that I capture your new baby and family well and with plenty of options to choose from. However, I will be more than happy to stay and capture more moments, especially if your newborn is having a less than fun time modeling.  Unfortunately…this isn’t something we can predict! We ask that everyone remain calm, should he/she not want to sleep, since your baby will pick up on any frustration in the room. And if  sleep doesn’t happen, that’s okay! Wide-eyed newborn photos are beautiful too.


Let me say it again... R E L A X.   Deep breaths my friend.

Moms tend to be more stressed out during the sessions than dad or other children.  Completely understandable.  This is a new experience, a strange-ish woman is putting your baby into positions that may not seem natural.  If you worry your baby will notice and once that baby notices, game over.  This is why I may ask family members, including mama to step out of the room for a few minutes while I position your baby and take photos.  This is not meant to offend anyone, it will just make for the most relaxed photos.  And don't worry, you won't miss anything because you are receiving the photos of the moment!!!!

Thank you so much for choosing Melissa Batzer Photography for photographing the growth of your family. 

Did I miss anything my friends?  

If you have a specific questions please contact me.  I am more than happy to help you the best I can!!

Just shoot me an email:

I can't wait to hear from you!


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